

The project entitled “Developing the competence of teaching staff in the field of educational and career counseling (macro-region IV)” successfully completed!


It was implemented under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, Priority Axis II, Measure 2.14. by Syntea S.A. in partnership with the Rycki County and the Podkarpackie Teacher Education Center, on the territory of Macroregion IV provinces: Lubelskie, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie.


We are pleased to have once again been trusted to carry out a major project commissioned by the Ministry of Education, in which we raised the competence of as many as 3,877 people!


The project was aimed at those performing career counseling tasks in elementary schools, general high schools, technical schools and industry first degree schools.


During the workshop, the students learned about, among other things, the possibilities of adapting educational programs in their educational institutions to local labor market requirements, as well as changing trends related to, for example, Industry 4.0. Practical classes also included issues related to the confirmation of educational results through external validation and certification, and the use of modern teaching tools, such as those based on virtual reality.


The verified final application showed that our activities were implemented 100% correctly, and the budget specified in the project was spent at 99.71%!


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