Syntea S.A.
Dekaplus Business Services LTD (Cyprus)
EURO-NET (Italy)
Malopolska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego (Poland)
Value of the project
1 096 655,00 €
Funding value
877 323,00 €
Start of the project
December 1 2023
End of the project
November 30 2025
The project is being carried out by Syntea S.A., in partnership with four entities from Poland, Cyprus and Italy, operating in the education sector. Basing the realization of the project on international cooperation is aimed at ensuring interoperability of the solution, promoting competence building within the Modern Business Services sector and mobility of employees within the European Union.
The aim of the project is to create a Training Register for the Modern Business Services ( BSS – Business Services Sector) sector and to promote and disseminate virtual reality/ augmented reality (VR/AR) tools as innovative training methods. The register will include training offers that provide the opportunity to acquire high quality qualifications, i.e. recognised qualifications that have passed the formal and legal validation resulting from the regulations in this area in the given country. The register will include training offers separately from each country represented by a given Partner. At the same time, by referring to the European Qualifications Framework, training offers from a given country will be able to be presented and offered in the Partner country.
Our project responds to the aforementioned needs in terms of building an industry Registry, which will include high-quality training offers for the acquisition of competencies/qualifications. In this way, various stakeholders in the industry will be able to obtain in one place information of interest to them on current training offerings, entities that offer education and learning, as well as check which learning outcomes can be acquired within a given training topic.
The registry intends to focus in particular on short forms of non-formal education, including so-called microcredentials, with an emphasis on practical knowledge and using innovative VR/AR learning tools and methods.