Official Kick-Off Meeting for ESG4PMChange Project
On 09-10.12.2024, at the premises of the Project Leader – the University of Novi Sad, in Novi Sad (Serbia), the first stationary project meeting was held, representing the official opening of the project. All Partners were represented at the meeting by a team of specialists.
The objectives of the meeting were:
- Introduce the Project and Establish Core Relationships.
- Define Roles and Responsibilities Across Work Packages.
- Set Standards for Quality Assurance and Monitoring.
- Develop Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation Strategies.
- Initiate Micro-Planning for Key Deliverables and Project Timeline.
- Encourage Networking and Team-Building Among Partners.
- Define Next Steps and Follow-Up Actions.
Upon our return from the banks of Danube river, we will be facing intense work on the task of gathering industry feedback and information on ESG PM requirements and skills gaps.
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