
Modern Business


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The business services sector (BSS sector acronym) generates a number of benefits that translate into higher profitability and revenue growth for customers. It allows for greater control and flexibility of operations and standardisation of processes, better process quality, cost and time optimisation, facilitates business scaling, as well as leveraging competencies in data analytics and process automation. According to Grand View Research (2022 data), the global BSS market size will reach USD 405.6 billion by 2027, growing at an average annual rate of 8.0%.

Use of VR/AR in education

Virtual Reality in the Science of 3D Printing: Programming and Operation

  • Modern Distance Training: A unique offering using virtual reality technology.
  • Limitless Remote Education: Eliminate the limitations of remote learning with multi-channel video streaming.
  • For Business and Personal Development: Targeted to educational institutions, labor market institutions, companies and individuals.
  • Innovative Virtual Lab: A specially equipped laboratory that enables hands-on training at a distance.
  • Holistic Experience: Video streaming from various sources, 360-degree cameras and VR goggles.
  • Earn Qualifications Remotely: Deliver exams and training without leaving home.
  • Extensive Training Program: Acquire skills in programming and operating the 3D printing process.

Discover a Unique Virtual Space: 3D Printing Programming and Support

Our training program offers a unique approach to learning how to program and operate the 3D printing process through the use of virtual reality. In an era of epidemic challenges, we focus on modern technologies and enable remote learning, eliminating the limitations of remote learning. The offer is aimed at educational institutions, labor market institutions, as well as individual participants wishing to gain competence in 3D printing.

Our specially-equipped virtual lab combines image-recording cameras, 360-degree spherical cameras and virtual reality goggles. Trainees can follow practical exercises in real time, closely observing the printing processes from different perspectives. The technology provides a holistic experience of participating in the class, as well as allowing them to explore the virtual environment on their own.

Our training program covers a rich range of topics, from types of 3D printing technologies to reverse engineering. We introduce participants to the field of 3D printing, enabling remote skills acquisition in an innovative and safe way. Thanks to virtual reality, participants can carry out practical exercises, gaining valuable experience in 3D printing processes.

Take advantage of our innovative offer and gain competence in programming and operating 3D printing processes in a unique way, using the advantage of modern technology.


Modern career guidance

Modern careers guidance for primary and secondary school students aims to prepare students for conscious and independent career planning and making educational and vocational decisions, taking into account knowledge of their own resources and information about the labour market and education system.

As part of projects co-financed from European and state budget funds, we organise free workshops in the area of macro-regions I (Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie and Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeships) and IV (Lubelskie, Świętokrzyskie, Podkarpackie and Małopolskie Voivodeships). They consist of three parts:

  • As preparation for the training, participants receive access to an e-learning platform where they can familiarise themselves with the topics discussed during the subsequent stages of the training.
  • On-line training delivered in Teams, at a time agreed with participants.
  • Onsite workshops held in conference rooms located as close as possible to the participants’ home from the group.


Council for Competencies in the Modern Business Services sector

Based on the outcome of the competition of the Polish Agency for Development and Entrepreneurship, the PARP Act and as part of the implementation of the POWER 2014-2020 Operational Programme project, the Sectoral Competence Council for the Modern Business Services (NUB) sector has been established. The project leader is Syntea SA together with the VCC Foundation, the Silesian University of Technology, the University of Opole and the Aspire Association. Members of the Council are appointed and dismissed by the minister responsible for economy upon the motion of the President of PARP.

The main objectives of the Council are:

  • Working out proposals for legislative changes in the field of education and its adaptation to the needs of the labour market in the NUB sector;
  • Supporting teaching staff at universities in implementing innovative teaching methods in their classes, developing data processing competences, including the use of specialised software, e.g. from the ERP, bigdata or artificial intelligence segments, and shaping the desired attitudes in students. These staff will also include business practitioners who will complement teaching competences;
  • Creating formal and organisational conditions to facilitate the support of people with low qualifications or no work experience, who can be effectively trained to work in the NUB sector and for whom the induction process to work requires a high investment in infrastructure;
  • Implement new opportunities to leverage investment from NUB sector companies to support the economic development of smaller centres and to accelerate dedicated conditions of attractive employment for people over 50.



For more information about Syntea’s activities within the Council see sektorowaradanub.pl.