ESG in practice. An international project to develop innovative competencies has begun!
As part of the Action: ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO – Alliances for Education and Entrepreneurship, we have launched the project “The ESG Imperative for the Project Management World: Alliance for Developing and Empowering Changemakers” (ESG4PMChange). This project, co-funded by an EU grant, aims to develop innovative competencies in project management focused on environmental issues, social issues, and those related to maintaining a proper corporate governance.
„ESG4PMChange is another project of an international nature that Syntea S.A. is pleased to implement. Simultaneously, we are also running the Training Registry of the Modern Business Services Sector project, focused on aligning qualifications with the modern needs of the business services sector. Participation in these initiatives underscores our mission as an organization committed to developing training tailored to changing professional and economic requirements. For Syntea S.A., this is not only an opportunity to make real changes in education, but also proof that our solutions and know-how are appreciated internationally. These projects are a vital space for us to share knowledge and work together for innovation in education and to support leaders of change in sustainability and social responsibility.” – says Paweł Karczmarzyk, Project Manager of Syntea S.A.
ESG in Project Management
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) issues are an important part of virtually every industry’s strategy today, defining activities aimed at environmental protection, social responsibility and economic efficiency. ESG challenges require a new approach to project management and, consequently, appropriate competencies. ESG4PMChange meets this demand by offering state-of-the-art educational tools and a microcredentials framework to formally recognize and verify ESG-related skills.
Integration with European Qualification Standards
The ESG4PMChange project is in line with EU educational and professional standards. Competencies are defined according to the ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations) classification, which describes occupations and qualifications in demand on the European labor market. In addition, the competency standards are linked to the EQF (European Qualification Framework) levels, which is fully compatible with the Polish Qualification Framework (Polska Rama Kwalifikacji – PRK). Thanks to this compatibility, the qualifications obtained will be recognizable at the national and European level, which greatly facilitates professional and educational mobility.
Beyond that, several curricula will be developed in accordance with ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) systems. This structure will allow seamless transition between vocational and higher education pathways, enabling participants to develop their careers throughout Europe and acquire key ESG competencies that are recognized in the labor market.
International Cooperation
The ESG4PMChange project is an excellent example of international cooperation on many levels. It involves representatives of higher education, vocational education and training providers, business actors, and organizations overseeing merit of frameworks.
The following institutions are participating in the project:
- The University of Novi Sad (Serbia),
- The University of Bologna (Italy) — the oldest university in the western world,
- Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania (Poland),
- The University of Thessaly (Greece),
- The University of Split (Croatia).
- Syntea S.A. (Poland)
- European Academy (Serbia)
- ASBL PM² Alliance (Belgium)
- Energy Net DOO (Serbia)
- ESG EDU-LAB (Serbia)
- Revas Sp z o.o. (Poland)
- Sparky solution d.o.o. (Croatia)
„The partners of the ESG4PMChange project come from different European countries and represent a variety of academic traditions, which gives our cooperation a unique character. By combining our experience and knowledge, we are creating an educational model that not only meets the current needs of the labor market, but is also prepared for the challenges of the future in the field of ESG – that is, environmental, social issues and conscious and socially responsible management.” – adds Paweł Karczmarzyk.
Beginning of project implementation
The project began on Nov. 1, 2024, and will last until Oct. 31, 2026. The first project meeting was held in December in Novi Sad (Serbia).
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.