Council for Competencies in the Modern Business Services sector
Based on the outcome of the competition of the Polish Agency for Development and Entrepreneurship, the PARP Act and as part of the implementation of the POWER 2014-2020 Operational Programme project, the Sectoral Competence Council for the Modern Business Services (NUB) sector has been established. The project leader is Syntea SA together with the VCC Foundation, the Silesian University of Technology, the University of Opole and the Aspire Association. Members of the Council are appointed and dismissed by the minister responsible for economy upon the motion of the President of PARP.
The main objectives of the Council are:
- Working out proposals for legislative changes in the field of education and its adaptation to the needs of the labour market in the NUB sector;
- Supporting teaching staff at universities in implementing innovative teaching methods in their classes, developing data processing competences, including the use of specialised software, e.g. from the ERP, bigdata or artificial intelligence segments, and shaping the desired attitudes in students. These staff will also include business practitioners who will complement teaching competences;
- Creating formal and organisational conditions to facilitate the support of people with low qualifications or no work experience, who can be effectively trained to work in the NUB sector and for whom the induction process to work requires a high investment in infrastructure;
- Implement new opportunities to leverage investment from NUB sector companies to support the economic development of smaller centres and to accelerate dedicated conditions of attractive employment for people over 50.
For more information on the Council’s activities, please contact Dr. Bartosz Sobotka, Council Animator., bartosz.sobotka@syntea.pl, mobile: +48 797 597 909, tel: + 48 81 45 21 480