
About Syntea

Syntea SA started its activity in the market in 2003 building its position from a small educational company specializing in IT trainings to an organization providing comprehensive educational and consulting support in the field of information technologies and competence services. Our many years of experience enable us to guide our clients (individuals, companies, institutions and organisations) through the complete educational process from the analysis of competence predispositions, additional training and consultancy, apprenticeship up to finding and optimising employment.


The system we have developed is fully compliant with the idea of professional mobility and aligned with the most important directions of European and global education policy. Syntea provides competency-based services complementing the whole process of formal education, which is part of the “lifelong learning” (LLL) strategy.

Syntea SA is an entity operating in the field of EDUTECH, providing innovative solutions for building competencies adequate to the changing needs of the labour market.


Syntea is an organisation providing services defined as Education Process Outsourcing (EPO). These services consist not only in the realisation of education, the improvement of competences and qualifications needed by companies, employees and job candidates, but above all in their delivery in an integrated value chain.


Syntea has an established position in the BPO/SSC/IT sector, providing specialised services to these entities. As a result of such activities Syntea has a unique knowledge of the competency needs of the sector’s enterprises, among others resulting from the cooperation with the Aspire and Pro Progressio sector associations, associating several hundred entities in Poland. The accumulated know-how therefore allows us to effectively implement comprehensive activities based on the real needs of companies from the BPO/SSC/IT sector.


It is also worth noting that since 2012 Syntea SA’s shareholder is Aptech, a company headquartered in Mumbai, India and operating in the world’s largest BPO/SSC/IT services market. Aptech, through its competence preparation of approximately 8 million people, is one of the world’s largest entities specialising in providing human resources for BPO and IT companies (e.g. for Microsoft, Google, Oracle, SAP, RedHat or domestic Infosys and Genpact). The opportunity to work with such an experienced and extensive organisation allows us to offer unique added value in the projects carried out.


Syntea has experience in projects whose common feature is complementing the knowledge gained during formal education. Examples of implemented tasks are presented here:


The application of the methodology for the implementation of competence processes in the value-added chain together with curriculum development


This method should be considered as a mechanism that builds the relationship of the formal as well as non-formal education sector with the socio-economic environment.


The concept of the value-added chain is related to viewing each system as the totality of all tasks and events that are undertaken by the participants in the system. The primary objective of the system described by the value chain is to produce and deliver the value expected by the customer. In the case of education, this customer is the labour market. Thus, it is necessary to adopt the principle of overriding its expectations and preferences as part of value creation. Such an approach requires the precise identification of the products, as well as the processes that determine the delivery of a service that meets the requirement of usefulness for the customer, i.e. relevant to the needs of the business organisation. Central to the value-added chain in the area of labour market competence alignment is the identification by the process manager of a unique value proposition in the form of relevant qualifications/competences.


It is assumed that it is the processes and not the products that have the greatest impact on the success of the system. The identification of the links occurring between them and their optimal location is most relevant to both the description of the value chain system and its implementation.


These links generate added value for the labour market through optimisation, understood as the search for the best methods (tools) to perform the processes between actors. In the case of partnerships with actors in the formal education sector, it not only coordinates the processes within the management group, but also facilitates the links between the labour market and the educational institution.



Syntea has accumulated 20 years of experience in sourcing, developing and implementing educational projects of local, national and transnational scope.


Not only do we have a rich portfolio of proprietary products and services developed on the basis of long experience, but we also implement many licensing programmes with accreditations from global brands. We provide consulting services to companies in the field of defining training needs and job placement.


Our systemic approach to educational services is to certify all our training courses in a single format, consistent with the new European Union guidelines in the area of Education Policy.


For many years, the Company has been building an innovative ecosystem of supporting the development of people’s competences and professional qualifications at every stage of life, taking into account current trends in the education market and the needs of the labour market.


In cooperation with employers, the Company provides apprenticeship and traineeship programmes for participants in our courses to prepare them for real jobs, and in collaboration with labour market institutions, we conduct research on the future needs of employers in terms of skills and competencies of employees.

Partnership ecosystem


Innovative approach would not be possible without a properly developed partner structure. Since the beginning of 2012 we have been actively building a network of SEP partners (Syntea Education Partners) interested in promoting and introducing to their offer products and services of our company in Poland and CEE (Central Eastern European) countries.


Thanks to our extensive structure in Poland and abroad (in total, we work with around 100 partners on a permanent basis in 14 markets), the following benefits are possible:

  1. Scale. The demand for educational services applies to all age groups and all areas of competence, therefore it is important to build a complete educational offer (using unique services and products of SEP partners by introducing them into Syntea’s offer), as well as to reach the widest possible audience with the educational offer (reaching customers of SEP partners).
  2. Quality. The extensive partner network allows for a precise and flexible response and definition of customers’ training needs, as the market research in which the partners participate is not just about general trends, but about actual competence needs in specific customer groups.
  3. Standardisation. The standardisation of educational products and services in terms of a uniform format for the certification of educational results makes it possible to compare their effects, so that our products and services can be used effectively by employers.
  4. Complementarity. The provision of educational services for all age groups, as well as in all competence areas, allows the educational offer to be adapted in the subsequent stages of education (competence building) taking into account its previous stages and outcomes.


The added value of partnerships through, among other things, access to a database of methodologies and training programmes (characterised by high quality and complementarity) that are a reference model for all planned activities.


The provision of services in the EPO formula, especially for the dynamically growing BPO/SSC/IT sector, must also be characterised by a high standardisation of services due to the widespread use of models based on the verification of stages of process maturity, e.g. according to the Capability Maturity Model (CMM).